Monday, April 20, 2009

Still Waiting

Luckily, between relocation paperwork, getting E's room ready to be a one she shares with her new baby sister, H's softball games, prepping and grading for class, and revising the dissertation, I have plenty of work to keep me busy while I wait for bebe to make her appearance. Unfortunately, this neither a)makes the waiting game any easier nor b)makes me feel any more comfortable. Contractions aren't necessarily increasing in frequency, though they're getting more painful when they come. What hurts more than anything is my lower back and my groin/hamstring area, where I feel an enormous amount pressure, to the point that it really hurts just to walk sometimes. I don't want to be a whiny pregnant woman, but ughh, seriously...

I still feel quite strongly that this baby isn't coming right away, and a good part of me thinks I'll hit my due date (or go past), and the doctor will want to induce. If there was a way to do this without him breaking my water, I'd be okay with that if it were the final option. But, my body has previously demonstrated that it is the breaking of the water that gets things going. A no-win situation is possible.

In other news, we found out that we got the housing compound we requested in Qatar! Even better, they reserved a villa that's located right between the clubhouse and the playground, which we apparently didn't even notice was there when we visited!! Now we just need to get good news from the American School of Doha, letting us know H has been accepted--more waiting. And speaking of H, she just got her first report card of straight As since being in 4th grade!!! I'm so proud of her, and I know how hard she worked to accomplish this goal!


M said...

All good news! And you're days as an uncomfortable pregnant woman are numbered, even it she stays in a bit longer than you'd like.

supadiscomama said...

Yay house! Yay playground! And (especially) yay Hannah! That's fantastic :)