Monday, June 09, 2008

And there goes the light...

From the Tenured Radical:

"Despite the claims of conservative pundits that literary scholars are rotting the academy from inside out while the rest of us stand helplessly by and watch, they have a harder time getting published, finding full-time employment, and being taken as seriously as they should be as public intellectuals than virtually any other category of scholar (except perhaps philosophers and classicists -- new translation of the Iliad, anyone?) "

This isn't the true subject of her post, merely an aside that I found particularly disheartening. Here's to riding hubby's coat-tails via a spousal hire...


supadiscomama said...

Maybe I'll end up in beauty school after all...

Could there be anymore bad news re: getting a job in this field? I don't think I've quite heard enough. Blech.

Dr. Peters said...

Respectfully and with much love, AcadeMama, you need to chill out! You're going to give yourself a heart attack if you freak out every time someone says that English PhDs will never get jobs. Just put your fingers in your ears and repeat after me: lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala

AcadeMama said...

sarah: LMAO!! I'll give it a try ;)

M said...

I heartily agree with Sarah! It will be hard, yes, but it will not be impossible.

M said...

And here's some good news for you, Academama. I know 3 people, including C, who got academic jobs this year; 2 of them in English, and 1 of them in 18th century. That friend knows 7 people who got jobs this year. Repeat that to yourself when you're feeling particularly disheartened.

supadiscomama said...

lalalalalalalalalalala. Great advice, Sarah! ;) How's it working for you, Academama?

Lisa Dunick said...
